" Great service, prompt, Ben has been great to work with. "
- Dion Olson (STORE OWNER)
Chill ACR is a renowned HVAC company based out of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Chill ACR came to us hoping to have their website redesigned, and to improve their local search engine rankings.
Prior to working with Swank, Chill ACR had an out-dated website that did not act as a major funnel for business. In speaking with Dion (Chill ACR’s owner), it was important to redesign the website to be user friendly, clean-looking, and high-converting.
The thought process behind this project was not to go overboard with a radical and intricate design, we sought to create an entirely new template that featured classic and minimalist design elements. For an industry such as HVAC, it is critical to place an importance on functionality, straight-forward content, and user experience. We wanted to represent the high quality of services and the strong reputation that Chill ACR possesses, and a minimalist and simplistic layout was the solution to this.
We also performed search engine optimization work on Chill ACR’s website. Prior to working with Swank, their website was poorly indexed and was not getting sufficient traffic off of Google. Through a variety of SEO methods, we helped increase Chill ACR’s rankings of industry-specific and local search phrases.
After setting up Chill ACR with a new website and performing search engine marketing for a period of 6 months, Chill ACR was flooded with new business.